Integrated Campaign

Ziploc Diversity Campaign

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The goal in creating the “Ziploc Diversity Campaign” was that it effortlessly represented the enormous diversity of the Ziploc bags. The guiding insight in the design was that the variety of uses for Ziploc bags is actually as diverse as the people who use them. Ziploc is a universal brand that does not need any explanation – no matter what language users speak. Thus, the solution was to present Ziploc as a uniting force and to express that, despite cultural differences, all humans share certain universal truths and values. People across the world use Ziploc products to hold and store things they care about, items both big and small. As with the different people portrayed, what matters is “what’s inside” – an idea that is also emphasised by the slogan, which is translated across different languages, while maintaining the same design aesthetic. Emphasising this message, the campaign also visually highlights the simplicity of the Ziploc bags with their completely unspectacular exterior.

Statement by the Jury

The idea behind this campaign is outstandingly great. The simple Ziploc bag becomes interesting through the way it is being used, which in turn is as diverse as the people who use it. The analogy that inner values count is visualised in film and advertisements in a manner that is both sim- ple and pointedly concise. The message comes across overall clear and engaging in both content and aesthetics.

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