Bicycle Helmet
The design of the foldable SEIRA helmet is inspired by the structure of a beehive. The components of the flexible helmet support each other, resulting in high stability while at the same time making it easy to fold the helmet. When folded, the helmet takes up only about a third of the space of a conventional bike helmet. This allows the user to conveniently store it in a bag or backpack and have it at hand for safety at any time.
Statement by the Jury
The foldable SEIRA bike helmet convinces with an innovative design combined with suitability for everyday use and a distinctive, independent appearance.
Manufacturer:NATURE MOBILITY Co., Ltd., Seoul, South Korea
In-house design:Youngho Shin, Dr. Jusang Lee, Hyunjun Park
Design:I2M Co., Ltd. (Dong-Yeon Cho), Daejeon, South Korea Rumy Co., Ltd., Ui-Jong Lee, Seongwoo Lee, Seoul, South Korea