Client: Caobu Economic Cooperative, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China
Kafka’s Penal Colony
Kafka’s short story “In the Penal Colony” is a tale about an ominous machine which tortures and kills prisoners according to the rules of a gruesome legal system. An artistically designed font is the key concept for the depiction of the machine on stage. Different text passages were rearranged into a projected circular grid. On stage, this “font swarm” encircles the actors, creeps towards them and ultimately covers them completely. The typography strikingly embodies the feeling of an overly powerful, impalpable threat, which is inherent in the play.
Creative Direction:Alexis Nikou, Vangelis Liakos
Design:Beetroot Design Group, Thessaloniki
Art Direction:Ilias Pantikakis, Giannis Gougoulias
Client:Onassis Cultural Centre, Athens
Sound Design:Karolos Gakidis