Client: muehlhausmoers corporate communications GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Pop-up Book
Disappearing Castle
“Disappearing Castle” is a pop-up book that presents detailed models of four historic city gates in Taiwan. Just as the gates were once demolished in real life, the paper models are initially hidden away in the pages only to be revealed when the book is opened. And just as some of them were rebuilt in real life for cultural reasons, the project also wants to preserve the country’s long history and communicate it to the younger generations. To do so, the carefully handcrafted cardboard models also replicate the rich ornamentation and unique architecture of these structures.
University:Chihlee University of Technology, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Supervising Professor:Shih-Lun Chen
Design:Yen-Chi Chen, Shu-Ching Chiu, Wan-Ying Lin, Zih-Syuan Wang, Man-Ling Zhang, Chihlee University of Technology