Ambient Sound,Billboard Campaign
3M Forever Sticking Billboards
When it comes to sheer adhesiveness, nothing sticks as immediately and lasting as the melody of a classic pop hit song, a so-called “earworm”. Therefore, the hooks of three catchy tunes were taken and visualised on numerous billboard sites across Hong Kong. Each billboard showed 3M’s sticking power in a unique way – as simple and memorable as the song arising immediately in the viewers mind. The outdoor campaign achieved high public visibility among a broad target demographic, striking a note and creating a good mood with viewers as soon as they became aware of it.
Chief Creative Officer:Roland Rudolf
Client:3M, Hong Kong
Design:Cheil Germany GmbH, Schwalbach am Taunus, Germany
Executive Creative Direction:Jörn Welle, Thomas Schröder, Paul Chan
Copywriting:Chris Drücks
Creative Direction:Arnab Biswas
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