EDNA - the ecosystem for production processes and the future of the connected factory

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EDNA is an ecosystem for production processes. It is the future of the connected factory and a modular ecosystem of interconnected software and machine components. The EDNA universe includes user interfaces for machines, machine-learning modules, data visualisations and IoT solutions. EDNA is the blue window for machines and machine lines. It provides a 360° experience for metalworking – from setting up a machine, to operating it and retooling it, and process monitoring in a larger production context. Moreover, it lays the foundation for a new industrial value creation logic, thanks to truly smart and connected production processes. Machine operators usually control several machines at the same time, but its unified cross-machine interfaces reduce complexity. The EDNA-HMI is extremely concise and intuitive to use. This minimises the inherent complexity of controlling several machines. It also allows for smoothly switching between EMAG machines. This is possible through coherent UX-patterns and intuitive interaction-methods throughout the entire system. Moreover, software and hardware are intertwined to facilitate control. Each machine shares data about itself and vice versa. The machines are able to adapt to user-input, different situations and its current state. This results in self-controlling mechanisms to minimise the need for manual adjustments. By using diagram, the concept of EDNA Nodes facilitates a fast, precise and error-free machine set up and retooling process. Each EDNA Node represents a clearly defined, modular processing step that the user is guided through. While the user provides the requested inputs, the corresponding process diagram unfolds. All Nodes are interlinked to render a complete production process. With EDNA, machine data can be collected and analysed for data-driven production optimisation. Sophisticated machine learning algorithms screen Data Lakes to provide relevant forecasts and key figures in terms of quality and performance. The integration of machine-learning algorithms, data-driven insights, and services help to pre-serve, obtain, and improve the manufacturing process and quality at any time. The aforementioned data-based competences for a thriving production line are collected under the umbrella of 'EDNA Lifeline’. The data can be transferred from the machine control and decoupled to be made available to the worker, production manager and management with dedicated services. EDNA is the foundation for a new industrial value creation logic. It facilitates increased flexibility in operation methods that allow for fast adaption, data-driven decision-making, optimised production processes, smooth production through data-based forecasts and the development of data-driven business models. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Ready to Launch | Communication Technology

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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