Client: Midea Residential Air-Conditioning Division, Handan Factory, Handan, China
User Interface Design
Rotary Evaporator Series Hei-VAP
Following the product design language, the interface of the Hei-VAP rotary evaporator series showcases the devices’ features. Integrating a multitude of parameters and information in an easy-to-read manner despite the small display was challenging. Thus, glow effects are used to emphasise the active areas on the device’s screen. Additionally, coloured icons and design elements visualise the current status. Indicators in the user interface design show the respective tasks of the hardware control knobs.
Client:Heidolph Instruments GmbH & Co. KG, Schwabach, Germany
Design:User Interface Design GmbH, Ludwigsburg, Germany
Project Team:Heidolph Instruments: Uwe Külz (Requirements Engineer) Jürgen Heyder (Product Manager) Patrick Bark (Project Manager)
User Interface Design: Verena Reuter (Project Management) Steffen Neumann (Art Direction) Manfred Dorn (Creative Direction) Tobias Stricker (UX Design)