Beverage Packaging

Judith Beck Wines – GRAPES.TALK

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The Austrian winemaker Judith Beck is known for wines that are described as unconventional, mysterious or dynamic and that “speak for themselves” in terms of taste. In order to not only make these wines clearly visible on the wine market, but also to make them being “heard”, the vines in this set were given a “voice” in the form of an audible identification mark. First, the labels of the three bottles were designed. Featuring the same plain black-and-white scheme as the cardboard, the labels show artistic yet strongly distorted illustrations. The main idea, however, is the integrated barcodes that lead to a dedicated website when being scanned with a smartphone. Each of the three label illustrations thus allows listening to special stories behind the wine. For example, the head shown in profile on the label triggers the story of Judith who had nothing to call her own until she started making her own wines, while the woman in traditional costume leads to an explanation of how the new “Koreaa” came about in the middle of Austria. The wines thus literally start talking.


This work represents a truly self-reliant packaging design for a wine that has a special reputation already. And the title lives up to its promise, as the smart labels with barcode lead to audio files of these “talking wines”. Moreover, the labels are beautifully illustrated, so that this brilliant idea has resulted in a design concept that is as surprising as it is convincing.

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