Innovative dumbbell

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The fundamental intention of this dumbbell design is to encourage people to exercise, especially those who too busy with work. Innovative Dumbbell incorporates fitness training seamlessly into work life. Versatile and simple enough for anyone to use, it can even be used when working at the desk. Highly portable, it is convenient to bring the dumbbells along on business trips and vacations. It greatly alleviates the stresses of daily life and inserts more fun into dull moments. Innovative Dumbbell utilises a volute clockwork spring as a medium and adjusts the dumbbell poundage by controlling the tightness of the spring. The power part of dumbbell is composed of cochlear curl strips, which are made of metal and plastic. The force belt on the palm is made of cloth, and the gel patch on the arm is mostly elastic cotton. They are fixed to the body through a magic stick. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Recreation

Red Dot

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