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Louver is a chess set that stores its bent wire pieces in their playing positions when it is closed, allowing the players to pause their game and resume it later exactly as it was. Although Louver doesn’t physically look like a checkerboard at first sight, it reads as one when viewed from the players’ vantage points. Bent wire pieces sit in peg holes along the top of the rows and remain there when the board is closed. Arms and connection points layer the closing chess set to cover the pieces while holding them in place. This allows players to pause a game or have it set up to play for the next time. The combination of materials used are black walnut wood, cherry wood, sterling silver, patinated sterling silver, brass and paint. The sterling silver adds a sense of fineness to the chess set, but doesn't drive the cost up due to the small amounts needed for wire. The black and white paint creates contrast and makes the checkerboard the focal point against the warm toned border of the woods and brass. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Play

Red Dot

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